Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A few weeks ago we took Elijah to a nearby children's museum.  Now when I think museum I think about being quiet and walking around slowly looking at priceless items.  Not this museum.  It's definitely for children and a great place for their imaginations to soar.

I was most excited to take Elijah because of the different modes of transportation that he would be able to explore.  (After all, he is ALL boy!)  There is a train and an airplane to play on as well as a real police car and fire truck to discover.  I thought FOR SURE he would go crazy over these!

Not only did he not go crazy over them, I think he would have been content to stay in the toddler area and play with the blocks.  The same blocks he has at home.

When we entered the room with the fire truck, Elijah got so excited and ran right to the fire truck.  Not the real (huge) bells and whistles fire truck, but the toy fire truck right in front of him on the floor.  The one that was smaller than him.  

I couldn't believe it.  We have a toy fire truck at home.  Did Elijah not know we were at the MUSEUM?!  

And the same thing happened in the room with the train.  We have toy trains at home.  

This totally affirmed to me that we like what we know.  Not only that, but we gravitate toward what we know.  I was convicted by the Lord that this is so true in my relationship with Him.  How many days do I come before Him bringing what I already know and expect, totally missing out on the big picture of what He wants to do? 

I would also say that we expect what we know.  In Habakkuk 1:3, the Lord answers Habakkuk's cries for understanding by saying, "Look at the nations and watch — and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."

I often come before the Lord questioning Him, already having the answer in my mind, instead of quietly waiting to see what great work He has in store.  Would I even believe if He told me?

On the way to the museum, we talked with Elijah about big fire trucks and trains we were going to see.  But in his realm of thought, the fire truck and train are to be played with at his level.  He wasn't ready to comprehend climbing and exploring on the real vehicles.  

I pray that I wouldn't be so stuck in my ways that I miss what God is preparing all around me. I pray that I won't just gravitate toward what I know.  I'm so quick to limit God and He is infinitely bigger that what I can even comprehend!

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