Monday, June 11, 2007

God is good....even on Mondays...

Blogger moment of the day....I went to the grocery store for three things today and from the time I went in to the time I left it began POURING. I headed out of the store...with no umbrella of course...and it was a lost cause...I didn't even run. The rain was coming at me horizontally because of the crazy wind and by the time I got to my car (a mere 20 seconds later) the whole left side of my body was drenched....but the right side faired well...not even damp. Unbelievable. I'm just glad I was on the way home...I may not have handled that experience so well if I was just starting out my day. However...since that 20 seconds I spent in the rain I have probably sneezed 100 times and gone through 40 kleenex. Who knew! Next time I'll run.

But, God has just blessed me tremendously today. One thing I have learned over and over again since working at the Pregnancy Support Center is to come to God with even the smallest of my problems and to truly be thankful for the small things that He does as well. I woke up so discouraged about my job this morning....I let a silly e-mail from someone really get me down....and God quickly reminded me this morning that He is so good.

Psalm 8 quickly pierced my heart as I read, "What is man that you are mindful or him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet." I am so thankful that God gripped me with the reality of how privileged I am just to be able to serve the women at our center. I am truly amazed each day that He has given me such an amazing opportunity to help meet a great need in our community. Praise God that He is mindful of us....even when we fail to recognize Him. What a great, majestic God who is not just mindful of us but truly knows the best for us and blesses us beyond what we can even imagine!

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