Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I'm pretty sure I've blogged about this t-shirt of Justin's before, but I can't find it right now...

Well...I remember there have been a few times we have been out and decided to get some Japanese food, only to realize that Justin is wearing this shirt, so we quickly decide on an alternate means of sustenance. Tonight, however, with the combination of our empty refrigerator and the rain, I called in Japanese takeout for Justin to pick up. Poor guy didn't go through the drive thru. Of all nights, he walked right in to the restaurant wearing this shirt! Thankfully our food had already been boxed up, because I'm pretty sure it might not have remained uncontaminated if it wasn't. With good cause! He may never be able to step foot in the local Japanese restaurant again. As for me...they can't keep me away!

This shirt might need to be in our next yard sale!

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