Wednesday, February 13, 2008

l is for love love love...

...Because I love love love my Justin and my Jazz. They make every day so interesting and fun. Do you know that I actually wanted to be married to a music minister when I was little?! How great is God that He truly knows the desires of our heart and He truly does give us exceedingly, abundantly above what we even expect! Now I get to spend my nights playing piano with him or singing with him at church, just like I hoped to do as a young girl (weird...I know). And because I have a degree in music I can actually understand (most of) his nerdy ramblings about what chords work where and how to count the tough contemporary rhythms he loves to sing! As I watch him lead choir rehearsal and lead in the worship service I fall more and more in love and more thankful for how God divinely wove our lives together. I could not ask for a better husband and best friend.

As for Jazz...I can't believe there was a day when Justin had to convince me that we needed to get a dog. I love her so much now! She's the fiesty dog that Justin hoped for, and she's finally calming down enough to sit on my lap and let me pet her. I can't even describe the hilarious ways she keeps us entertained!

Justin checking out his Valentine's Candy (I can never keep gifts a secret!)

love love love!

Too cute!!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

SHE IS SOOOO BIG! I mean you told me, but wow, i never imagined she would be that big! :-)

congrats, your little girl is growing up