Monday, September 29, 2008

intro to pregnany 101...

That's right...I guess I've been clued in to pregnancy slowly since I have only been sick one day total (sorry, y'all) and since I'm liking the idea of these new maternity clothes so far. I got a little more integrated into pregnancy last night,however, at our favorite Elkin Mexican Restaurant La Fuente. We walked in (like we do many Sunday nights) and request a table for two. The host guy looks at me and smiles saying, "2 and a half?!", which I thought was pretty funny. I was obviously in a maternity shirt, so I wasn't offended. For that moment...

Then I really laughed because we got to our table and he puposefully moved the table over some so that there was a little more room on my side!! HA! I could've been offended, I guess. It really was courtious, but I was just amused. It's probably a good thing it's my 2nd trimester and not my 3rd. (Atleast from what I've heard from you post-pregnant ladies!) More stories to come, I'm sure...I already don't really appreciate the tummy touching!

As soon as I posted, I remembered another story! ...the ladies at my office in Mt. Airy are already planning how to rearrange the office furniture ...because I'll soon be too big to easily get around the filing cabinet in our work room! Good thing I've been in a great mood lately!!

1 comment:

theStovers said...

My new favorite this time is all the people who have said "You don't even look pregnant!" What should that be a compliment? Great, I just look fat!