Tuesday, February 26, 2008

q is for quiz

I would love some input on the following topics that Justin and I will forever "disagree" about. Let me know your thoughts! Comment by Friday and I'll tally them up and also let you know how Justin and I think!

1. Sheets at the bottom of the bed tucked in or not tucked in?
2. Waffle or Pancake?
3. Do you eat or not eat the peach peel?
4. "Deal or No Deal" or "1 vs. 100"?
5. Crunchy or chewy cookies?
6. Do you voice the "h" in humble or not?
7. Do you use a bathroom cup?
8. Do you eat pizza crust?

Don't worry! You can't "fail" on this quiz....unless you don't pick what I like! ;) And...no one is exempt!!


Rebecca said...

1. not tucked (reminds me of a seinfeld episode)
2. waffle (i like the syrup to fill all the little holes)
3. eat
4. tough one! ummm... "deal or no deal"
5. chewy and pref. warm
6. people dont'?
7. haha- yeah- when I was 5
8. yup! in fact- I just ate some :-)

ohh- that was fun! I wanna play again!

Erin said...

that was fun...good answers!

Sandra W. said...

1. sheets tucked in--it's more comforting
2. if i have to choose...the pancake--it's easier to butter
3. eat the skin--it's only extra work to peel it
4. deal or no deal--haven't seen the other show
5. definitely crunchy
6. give the "h" a voice
7. yes, a cough medicine measuring cup--wouldn't want to drink too much before bedtime now
8. eat the crust--especially dipped in pizza sauce

Amy said...

1. Tucked in. I don't like floating sheets.
2. Waffles. I like the contrast textures - crispy outside, soft inside
3. With the peel. Too messy without
4. Don't know either one
5. No texture contrasting needed here, just chewy
6. Yes
7. No, except at my grandmothers. She has that nifty little mini-paper cup dispenser
8. I never turn down bread products

Erin said...


Anonymous said...

1. Sheets at the bottom of the bed tucked in or not tucked in? - Untucked ((I agree, I thought seinfeld too))

2. Waffle or Pancake? Waffle

3. Do you eat or not eat the peach peel? I don't eat peaches, so neither

4. "Deal or No Deal" or "1 vs. 100"? I like both...I'll say Deal

5. Crunchy or chewy cookies? Chewy

6. Do you voice the "h" in humble or not? Yes!!!!

7. Do you use a bathroom cup? Nope

8. Do you eat pizza crust? yum, Yes!

Kelly said...

1. Well my side is tucked but Todd always manages to untuck his every night because he says he can't stretch out.

2. Tough one I like them both...I'll go with pancakes.

3. I eat the peach peel.

4. "Deal or No Deal" for sure. It's my dream to go on the show right now.

5. Chewy

6. Yes!

7. No

8. Sometimes...It depends on what kind of mood I'm in.

Jeni Sinclair said...

I'm interested in seeing how these compare to your answers. You'll have to tell me later. I'm guessing that we'll have the same answers on all of them except 4 and maybe 2...sorry Justin :(

1) tucked in, so you feel 'cocooned'
2) waffle
3)eat the skin - it's good for you!
4) 1 vs. 100
5) definitely chewy
6)say the "h"; people who don't say the "h" are...nevermind :)
7)no cup, I take little sips straight from the listerine bottle
8)eat the crust, usually

This is a good idea. Can you come up with more of these?

Sheila said...

1. Sheets at the bottom of the bed tucked in or not tucked in? I always start tucking at the two corners, and by the time I get to the middle, it's hit or miss. So I guess mostly tucked would be my answer!
2. Waffle or Pancake? Hmmmmm.... gonna have to go with pancake! (with chocolate chips)
3. Do you eat or not eat the peach peel? Eat it.
4. "Deal or No Deal" or "1 vs. 100"? Deal or No Deal... Bob Saget drives me nuts!
5. Crunchy or chewy cookies? Chewy
6. Do you voice the "h" in humble or not? Yes
7. Do you use a bathroom cup? No (OK, unless it's disposable-- which is bad for the earth-- that is really disgusting!)
8. Do you eat pizza crust? Yes... unless Olivia's around in which case I give her my crust to chew on.

Kelly said...

I would be interested also in hearing how you and Justin disagree on some of these!

Erin said...

don't worry...you're gonna find out soon!! It was fun when we were coming up with these!

Michelle said...

I hope I'm not too late!
1. Absolutely tucked in
2. waffle (I think they hold more syrup!)
3. eat
4. "deal or no deal"
5. the chewier the better
6. yes
7. no
8. definitely yes!